Howard Building Corporation news


Celebrating Two Well-Deserved Promotions to Assistant Superintendent!


HBC is excited to welcome Derian Barillas and Francisco Flores to their new roles as Assistant Superintendents. They have both demonstrated tremendous skill and dedication in their previous roles, and we can’t wait to see what they accomplish as Assistant Superintendents. Let’s learn more about them!


Derian’s promotion is a direct result of his exceptional initiative and dedication at jobsites, where he consistently goes above and beyond to ensure projects run smoothly. His eagerness to understand project conditions and align them with the project schedule has been invaluable. We have no doubt that Derian will excel in his new role and continue to make a positive impact on our projects and teams!


Francisco has been an integral part of our team for five years and has consistently shown unwavering dedication and commitment. Through his outstanding contributions and expertise on several Snap projects, Francisco has proven himself to be an invaluable asset to HBC.

Please join us in welcoming Derian and Francisco to their new roles!

Celebrating Two Well-Deserved Promotions to Assistant Superintendent!